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Articles by klandry

Charlene Saltarelli Receives Excellence in Education Award

Each year one teacher from each school is selected to receive the district’s Excellence in Education Award. This prestigious award is given to those who attain high academic achievement for their students, provide exceptional service and leadership at their school, and make a positive difference outside of the classroom and in the community.

Congratulations to Desert Meadows School- 7th grade Math Teacher- Charlene Saltarelli. Mrs. Saltarelli was recognized at the district’s annual all-staff celebration last week.

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Governing Board Signs Resolution Urging State Legislature to Override Aggregate Expenditure Limit

On Wednesday, February 9, Laveen’s Governing Board unanimously approved a resolution urging the Arizona State Legislature to immediately pass a resolution that singularly, with no other stipulations, overrides the Aggregate Expenditure Limit for the Fiscal Year 2022, and that the Arizona Legislature approves and the Governor signs a new law that provides a permanent solution to the Aggregate Expenditure Limit issue.

Aggregate Expenditure Limit FAQ

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Laveen’s Kids Club is Now Enrolling for Before/After School Program

Laveen’s Kids Club is now enrolling students in before/ after school care. This licensed program offers carefully planned, well-supervised activities for children in grades kindergarten through sixth.

Kids Club staff guides participants through group games, team sports, hands-on science activities, arts and crafts, music, drama, plus many other activities from which your child may choose. Each day includes quiet time for homework assistance and encouragement, plus a nutritious snack.

Program hours vary by school site. Learn more at


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Prospective Families Invited to Attend May 4 Open House Event

Prospective families can learn more about our schools at our annual Open House event. Each of our schools will host an in-person open house on May 4, 2021. Two separate sessions will be held, at 5:00 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. Families will be provided with an overview of the school and a tour of the campus with special emphasis on the school’s signature program.

In order to assist in our planning and accommodate social distancing, we are asking visitors to register for this event at the link below. Face coverings are required of all visitors.

Register Here

Visit our Open House page for more details.

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